We can help you find a new business location. Perhaps you need newer space, larger or smaller space, better economics or a more functional business location. Here’s how we can help:
Take time to understand your unique requirements
Provide up-to-date markets information: rates, space availability.
Provide checklists for effective property comparisons
Assist with architectural needs
Develop a winning negotiation strategy
Work with you through occupancy and beyond!
Lease Renewals:
When it is time for you to renew your lease, we can save you money through negotiations to obtain leasing concessions such as free rent, refurbishment and options. We will:
Review your current lease agreement
Advise you of money saving lease issues
Provide current comparable market data
Assist in documenting transaction
Negotiate on your behalf at no cost to you!
Do you have too much or too little space and still have time remaining on your lease? We can help. Maybe you can renegotiate or sublet your space. You may have options you are not familiar with. We can help you analyze your options. Before beginning any lease renegotiations or subleases, contact us today for a free consultation. No cost and no obligation!