Investment Solutions

Investment Strategies:

INVESTA’s’ trademark is providing above market returns to its investors utilizing its unparalleled ability to identify, analyze, negotiate and close transactions involving many different types of real estate. INVESTA originates joint venture investments, and provides construction, asset and property management services. INVESTA has the experience and expertise required to analyze current market conditions, identify investment opportunities and implement management strategies to maximize a property’s value in the market.

Value-Added Properties

  • Properties with significant profit potential following resolution of existing problems, such as high vacancy, poor asset and property management, below-market rents and deferred maintenance.
  • Property problems are usually a result of undercapitalized ownership or absentee ownership.
  • Purchase price is significantly below the market value of the property.
  • Typical holding period is 2-3 years (the time required to resolve the problem).

Stabilized Value-Added Properties

  • Properties with high occupancy and rents that are below market.
  • Properties are purchased based on their existing income level.
  • Value is created by, increasing below-market rents, as the existing tenants’ leases expire.
  • As market rents and values increase, rental rates are increased and the property is sold at a significant profit (usually 3-7 years).

Cash-Flow Properties

  • High quality, fully occupied properties in prime locations that have significant profit potential.
  • Purchase price is not significantly below current value of property, but “upside” potential exists due to rent escalations or unique physical or locational characteristics
  • Properties provide good cash-flow for a typical 5-10 year holding period.

Investment Management

  • Monitoring investment processes on the real estate market, arranging surveys in accordance with investor’s assignments.
  • Efficiency and investment analysis of a project, including technical and economic substantiation and financial analysis.
  • Appraisal valuation of real estate objects.
  • Construction management. 
Contact us today for an expert’s advice about Texas investment opportunities: +1.972.550.1555 or at:

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